What Will You Gain From Our Tools?

Discover why thousands of professionals use our tools daily in their practice

Add Color, Creativity & Juiciness  

Using creative, visual and intuitive tools enriches your professional toolkit and helps you lead personal development processes that are experiential, inspirational and surprising.

Connection with No Boundaries

We’ve especially designed our tools to be cross culture, gender and age, and that’s why you can use them with anyone for deeper observation, connection and common language.

Unlimited Diverse Settings

Solo, one-on-one, in a workshop or with large group – our tools are easily adaptable to any audience, theme, objective and method. Follow your own ideas or use our free knowledge base.

Develop Courage & Embrace Vulnerability

Our tools create the perfect setting for a deep & authentic dialogue. They allow participants to open up and express their passions, fears and challenges in a safe learning environment.

Images as a Powerful Trigger

Our tools are based on a rich photographic language that bypasses logic. Images and metaphors create an instant access to our imagination, intuition and resources.

Put a Question Mark

Our tools help you offer participants fresh views about their life-issues and to guide them on a discovery journey for new points of view on their identity, preferences and priorities.

Meet Our Tools

We’ve created different tools for any audience, purpose or method.
You can use them at your clinic, sessions, workshops, team meetings,
with your family and even on your own.

The Coaching Game

Nuestra herramienta más vendida que impulsará tu desarrollo personal y profesional. 50% OFF hasta el 30/11/24.

El precio original era: USD$198.El precio actual es: USD$149.
Speak Up Toolkit


Una herramienta transformadora para potenciar la colaboración abierta y productiva entre personas y organizaciones.

¡Versión bilingüe (inglés-español)! Despachos a partir del 10/12/24

El precio original era: USD$158.El precio actual es: USD$120.

Una herramienta dinámica y metafórica, con fotos, palabras y preguntas para estimular momentos de claridad.

El precio original era: USD$92.El precio actual es: USD$74.
FLOW_main (1)

Una herramienta amable y poderosa para mejorar el bienestar y encontrar el equilibrio.

El precio original era: USD$238.El precio actual es: USD$149.
FACES_main (1)

Una herramienta poderosa y directa, con fotos, reflexiones y arquetipos, acerca de las personas y las relaciones.

El precio original era: USD$288.El precio actual es: USD$169.

What are people saying?

Every day, thousands of professionals throughout the world work with our must-have tools, that are an asset to any professional toolkit

Speak Up

Build a Culture of Dialogue and transform the way your teams communicate and collaborate

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